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How to Split Juniper Fence Posts

Juniper trees are evergreen trees that produce strong, durable wood that can be used to make extremely durable wooden fence posts. You can build a fence using either whole sections or split logs. If you decide to split the logs, use a maul, which has a wider head than an ax, and choose wood with little spiral grain or twisting and few surface defects. You do not have to remove the bark if you want a rustic look; the bark also can help the fence posts maintain moisture, which can help the posts last longer.

Things You'll Need

  • Work gloves
  • Safety goggles
  • Mallet
  • Maul
  • 16-inch or taller chopping block
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    • 1

      Put on work gloves and safety goggles.

    • 2

      Set the chopping block onto a piece of level ground. Hammer the block into the ground a few times using the mallet to secure it into place.

    • 3

      Place the juniper log onto the chopping block.

    • 4

      Hold the maul halfway in the middle of its handle. Position yourself so that when you swing the maul downward, the blade will hit the center of the log.

    • 5

      Stand with your legs slightly apart, hold the maul above your head and swing straight forward. Hit the log when you are at the end of the downward arc of the maul ... when you are holding the handle approximately parallel to the ground.

    • 6

      Use your foot to pry the maul out of the juniper log and swing again. Repeat until the log is split.