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Can I Take the Top Ring Off of My Circular Pool to Adjust the Liner?

Above-ground pools provide a simple alternative to in-ground pools. They provide all of the enjoyment without all of the construction and at a fraction of the cost. Aside from the daily maintenance of caring for the water, the upkeep on an above-ground pool is minimal. However, the liner on these pools can shift from time to time and may need adjustment.
  1. Pool Parts

    • Adjusting the pool liner is no easy task and should be done before the pool is filled with water. Some above-ground pools consist of metal frames which hold the liners in place. These frames usually have metal rail around the top that holds the liner in place. The rail can be taken off as needed to adjust the liner. However, this can only be realistically done if the pool has little to no water. The weight of the water will make it difficult to move the liner.


    • If you need to adjust the liner in your pool, you should do so by first draining the water from the pool. The liner can be adjusted with some water in the pool, but this will only be possible with a small amount of water. Ideally, you should smooth out wrinkles and make any adjustments as you are installing the pool, rather than afterward. The best way to do this is to arrange the liner properly and then begin to fill the pool with water. If the liner begins to move or wrinkles, shut off the water immediately and make adjustments before the pool gets too full to adjust.


    • Aside from not being able to move the liner because of the weight of the water, you may run the risk of tearing the liner if you try to take off the rail and pull on the liner. Additionally, any rocks or sharp edges that you may have accidentally failed to account for could tear a hole in the pool liner from below. This would then require that you drain the pool and make repairs anyway. To be safe, only adjust the liner with an empty pool.


    • If you install the liner correctly in the first place, there should be no real need for any type of adjustment. This is especially true if you go slow and work out any issues as you go. If you have any questions regarding your ability to get the liner installed correctly, it may be a good idea to hire a qualified professional to ensure that the installation is done right.