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What Does Scotts 4 Step Consist Of?

Scotts began in 1868, but not quite as the industry leader it is today. O.M. Scott's company started as a premium seed company targeted toward agricultural use; the early 1900s saw the company begin to market to homeowners. Since then, Scotts has continuously grown its product line to include all forms of lawn care products, including their Lawn Pro four-step program. All four products in the program are particularly high in nitrogen to help quickly green up the lawn. Apply all four products with a broadcast spreader.
  1. Step 1

    • Step 1 consists of lawn food and a pre-emergent herbicide. The herbicide in Step 1 prevents crabgrass and other annual weeds from growing from seed. However, it doesn't help control perennial weeds or broadleaf weeds such as dandelions. For best results, apply Step 1 in early spring between February and April, depending on where you live. Application should be before your fourth mowing and before daytime high temperatures consistently reach 80 degrees F. Apply to a dry lawn, but ensure your lawn gets between 1/4 to 1/2 inch of water within three days of application.

    Step 2

    • After applying Step 1, wait for a minimum of 30 days to apply Step 2, which contains a post-emergent herbicide. A calm day between April and June is ideal; wind has the potential to carry the herbicide to flowers or other plants, which could cause severe damage. For best results, thoroughly water your lawn prior to application as this will help the herbicide stick to the weeds. While wet grass is ideal, don't apply Step 1 if you're expecting rain within the next day.

    Step 3

    • The third step in the program contains iron and also active ingredients that help protect your turf against periods of high heat and drought. One patented ingredient, Water Wise, aids the tender turf in absorbing water and nutrients from the ground. Again, this product should be applied no less than a month after the previous step, which should fall between June and August.

    Step 4

    • The fourth step is a fall fertilizer that builds strong roots before winter sets in, which is supposed to improve your turf's thickness and color for the following spring. As a lawn food, this product can be applied on its own any time of the year, as long as you wait at least one month in between applications.


    • Always use the products in the four-step program according to the manufacturer's instructions. Each of these products poses a severe risk to fish and aquatic invertebrates, and drifting could damage nearby plants. These products may contaminate groundwater, so never use near a cistern or well. Because these fertilizers are particularly high in nitrogen, burning the lawn is a risk, particularly if you don't wait long enough between applications.