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How to Adjust a Seed Spreader

A seed spreader can provide a more accurate distribution of grass and other seed than seeding by hand. The two basic types of seed spreader double as fertilizer spreaders. A drop spreader drops seed straight down from the spreader. A broadcast spreader, or centrifugal spreader, spins the seed down and away from the spreader. It covers more ground with one pass than a drop spreader, but places less seed on the ground farther away from the spreader. Both spreader types have levers that allow simple adjustments so you can sow a variety of seeds.

Things You'll Need

  • Tape measure
  • Construction flags
  • Duct tape
  • Cardboard box
  • Plastic bag
  • Scales
  • Screwdriver
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  1. Drop Spreader

    • 1

      Measure an area that's the equivalent of 100 square feet, using a tape measure. Mark it with construction flags or other objects. Set the spreader at the lowest setting.

    • 2

      Secure a cardboard catch box or a heavy-duty plastic bag to the drop chute where the seed comes out of the seed spreader, using duct tape. Secure the entire area so no seed escapes.

    • 3

      Weigh the seed with a scale and put the recommended amount of seed in the seeder for 100 square feet. Most spreader manufacturers recommend a certain number of lbs. per square feet or yards. Adjust the spreader's setting to the lowest amount per square foot.

    • 4

      Cover the area you marked off. Move at the pace you intend to use when you seed the lawn. Open and close the spreader as you make turns. Only open the spreader when you move the machine. Do not overlap passes.

    • 5

      Weigh the seed left when you cover the 100 square feet. Remove the seed from the hopper and place it in a container to weigh it. If you have seed left over, adjust the seeder to spread more. If you don't have seed left over in the hopper, adjust the seeder to spread less.

    • 6

      Remove the catch box or bag. Pour the seed back into the seeder. Retape the box or bag into position. Repeat the process until you use all the seed to sow the 100-square-foot area. Once you know the correct seed calibration, write it down for future reference.

    • 7

      Sow the grass seed on your yard, using the correct calibration.

    Broadcast Spreader

    • 8

      Adjust the vanes inside the broadcast spreader to the appropriate position for the delivery you want. Unscrew the vanes and move them to the left position to put seed delivery to the left of the machine. Set them to the right for right-hand delivery. Leave them in the center position for equal delivery on either side of the machine.

    • 9

      Set the seed spreader to the seed you plan to plant. Slide the distribution gate-setting bar into the correct location. Use the manufacturer's recommendations for this setting.

    • 10

      Put half of the recommended amount of seed for the size of your lawn in the spreader. Apply the seed to your lawn. Turn the machine on and off as you turn corners. Try not to overlap passes. Watch the hopper to see if it runs out of seed. If it does, add some to finish the first pass.

    • 11

      Measure how much seed remains in the hopper by removing the seed to see how much is left. If you ran out of seed just as you finished, you had the correct setting. If you have leftover seed, the setting is too light. Increase the amount for the next pass. If you had to add seed to finish the first pass, the setting was too heavy. Decrease the amount. Write down your calibrations for future reference.

    • 12

      Add the remaining seed to the hopper of the broadcast spreader. Cover the lawn again, only this time walk at right angles to the way you seeded the first time. If you went north and south first, then go east and west the second pass. In this manner, you cover the entire lawn evenly.