Home Garden

How to Choose Sod

Before you purchase sod, you need to examine the product. If you fail to choose sod that is in proper condition, you could end up with nothing but a brown yard with dead grass. Sod is sold by single rolls or pallets for those large jobs. You can easily inspect the sod before buying it to ensure that you are getting what you need. Before you buy any sod, have the soil prepared and ready to lay the sod so that it doesn't have to sit on a pallet longer than necessary.


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      Inspect the overall pallet of sod first. The sod must be rolled up with the soil facing the outside and the grass rolled inside.

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      Look at the thickness of the sod. Pieces should be at least one inch thick and no less. Sod that is any thinner does not have a developed root system. Look at the root system. The underside of the sod should have thick roots that you can easily see.

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      Inspect the grass blades. The sod should be green and blades should be at least two inches long. Sod that is brown may come back after planting, but chances are that the sod was deprived of moisture on the pallet and will not come back after planting.

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      Feel the bottom of the sod for moisture. Sod that is on a pallet must be moist to keep the sod viable for planting. Dried out sod may be on its way to turning brown and dying.

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      Finalize the inspection by lifting up on the corner of the sod roll. If the sod tears away from the roll, it may not have a strongly knit root system that will hold together well during planting. If the sod passes this test, it should hold together when unrolling and planting.