Home Garden

Ideas for Hiding a Propane Tank

Propane tanks, although necessary in some homes for providing access to gas, can be an eyesore when it comes to landscaping. A variety of landscaping techniques are available that help homeowners camouflage the appearance of propane tanks and lend a more appealing look to their lawn.
  1. Landscaping Rocks

    • A common method that homeowners use to camouflage propane tanks in their yard is landscaping rocks. Landscaping rocks come in a variety of colors and designs and can be used to create a wall surrounding the tank. It's important to note, however, that you should not use rock walls to completely enclose the tank. You need to leave enough space between the wall and the tank to allow service to the tank if necessary. It is recommended that you leave at least a 3-foot space around the tank on three sides of the wall to allow proper access.

    Floral Barriers

    • Flowers not only make your lawn smell wonderful, they can provide an excellent cover for propane tanks located on your lawn. Flowering bushes, blooming plants and shrubbery can be strategically placed to reduce the appearance of the tank and add some color to your lawn. Much like the use of landscaping rocks, it's important to leave space between the propane tank and flowering plants in order to prevent flowers from growing over the tank. It is recommended that you leave at least 3 feet between floral barriers and the tank to allow access for service when necessary.


    • White picket fencing and lattice board make another excellent choice for hiding propane tanks. Fences placed at least 3 feet from all sides of the propane tank can conceal the tank, while still providing adequate access. You can leave the fencing as is or decorate it, depending on taste. White picket fences can be painted in a variety of colors and designs or enhanced with fencing decor. A commonly used method for enhancing the look of lattice board is the addition of climbing vines or flowers, which can be woven through the openings of the board for increased esthetic appeal.