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How to Get Rid of Yard Moles Fast

There are six species of moles in the United States. The species found in your yard include Eastern mole, yairy-tailed mole, and star-nosed mole. Moles are insectivores, which means they eat insects, such as earth worms. Unfortunately, the pursuit of insects results in overturned dirt and holes in your lawn. To prevent further damage, you will want to get rid of the mole as quickly as possible. There are two quick and effective methods you can try.

Things You'll Need

  • Cage, or something else to hold the mole
  • Water hose
  • Mole trap
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  1. Flooding Method

    • 1

      Locate an active burrow. To find an active burrow, collapse a small section of the burrow with your foot. If the section is repaired within 24 to 48 hours, the burrow is active.

    • 2

      Locate the mole hill connected to the burrow. The molehill is cone-shaped mound of dirt. Once you've located the molehill, have a friend stand beside it with a cage or something else to catch the mole.

    • 3

      Stick a hose into the active burrow and turn on the water. After a few minutes, the burrow will flood and the mole will run out the molehill.

    Trapping Method

    • 4

      Locate an active burrow. To do this, collapse a small section of the burrow with your foot. If the section is repaired within 24 to 48 hours, the burrow is active.

    • 5

      Place a trap inside the burrow. Traps are available at most home and garden stores and include three main types: harpoon, scissor-jaw, and checker loop. Follow the printed instructions on the trap to ensure that you are positioning the trap correctly.

    • 6

      Wait one to two days and check the trap. If it has not caught the mole, reposition in it in another active burrow. Note that trapping is most effective in spring and fall after rain.