Home Garden

Worm Farming Ideas

Worm farms are a cheap and simple way to produce organic compost for gardens and lawns. Those without lawns can use worm farms to recycle compost scraps to cut down on their garbage production and may sell the excess worms for a profit.
  1. Composting

    • Most of the compostable materials produced in your home, such as egg shells and vegetable peels, will come from your kitchen. If the space in your home allows it, try setting up your worm farm in or near the kitchen for easy disposal. Make sure you supplement your worms' diets with a balanced additive like chicken feed, as most varieties of worms require more nutrients than kitchen scraps provide.

    Cheap Containers

    • When starting a worm farm from scratch, large plastic containers are a cheap alternative to expensive worm farms. Because light can damage your new pets, coat your plastic container in a matte black paint before starting your farm. Use several coats of spray paint for even and full coverage.

    Outdoor Farming

    • If you're short on space in your home, consider beginning your worm farm outdoors. Bury a wooden box at least 2 feet high in your yard and fill with dirt, worm feed and scraps. Worm farms can be started outdoors without a container but will not flourish, as your worms will migrate.