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How to Get Rid of Birds in a Log Pile

A neatly stacked log pile can be a source of pride for some homeowners, however, it also can be an attractive place for birds to form a nest. After all, it is usually safe, secure and, for the most part, dry. In order to get rid of birds in a log pile, you have to make it unattractive for them to come back to the nest.

Things You'll Need

  • Tarp
  • Rocks
  • Wire perch repellents
  • Adhesive
  • Bird house
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      Place a birdhouse nearby. Entice the birds to leave the log pile with another location where they can live. Placing a bird house nearby with some dry food will surely get their attention. Select a site that is close enough to the log pile for them to notice, but at the same time is aesthetically pleasing for your landscaping design.

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      Remove the former nest. Once you notice that the birds have started to migrate to the new bird house, keep an eye on their former nest in the log pile. When you notice it is vacant, take apart that portion of the log pile, remove the nest and discard. A flashlight might help you determine if there are any birds inside. If there are eggs remaining in the nest, allow those birds to hatch before removing.

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      Cover the log pile with a giant tarp. The tarp will keep the birds away from the log pile, while at the same time keep your wood supply dry. Simply toss a tarp over the wood pile and weigh it down with rocks.

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      Glue wire perch repellents on top of your wood pile. You want to use a mild adhesive because chances are you will be taking these wire perch repellents on and off as you access the wood pile. A mild glue or even duct tape will do the trick. Also, try and stack the wood pile so that it is flat. This will allow the wire perch repellents to rest on the wood pile naturally. The birds will be discouraged from landing on the pile because they will be afraid of landing on the wire spires.