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How to Combine Fescue & Orchard Grass

According to the University of Tennessee, fescue and orchard grasses are popular choices for pastures and hay fields. Because both cool-season grass types can be planted at the same time, gardeners generally purchase bags of orchard and fescue mixes. Soil preparation and proper planting is critical to successfully combine orchard and fescue grass. Without thinking about the growing requirements of the turf types, you can plant a lawn that has bare spots or eventually dies.

Things You'll Need

  • Shovel
  • Soil pH test
  • Lime
  • Sulfur
  • Tiller
  • Fertilizer
  • Seed spreader
  • Compost
  • Rake
  • Lawn roller
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      Dig a 4-inch hole in the pasture or lawn and collect soil from the bottom for a soil pH test. Fescue must be grown within a soil pH range of 5.8 to 6.5, while orchard grass must be planted in a pH range between 6.0 to 7.0. Therefore, you want your soil pH range to be around 6.0 to 6.5 to accommodate both grass types. Spread lime on soil that is under 6.0 and add sulfur to alkaline soil over 6.5.

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      Till the lawn or pasture in August to prepare the soil for sowing your fescue and orchard seeds. Generally, both grasses are sown around August 15 for fall grass.

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      Apply a starter fertilizer to the lawn area that has a NPK amount of 10-20-10. Water the area thoroughly after distributing the fertilizer.

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      Pour half of your fescue and orchard grass seed mix into a seed drop spreader. Typically, both fescue and orchard grass can be distributed at a rate of 15 pounds of grass seed over 1,000 per acre. Push the seed spreader vertically across the lawn. Add the rest of the seed mixture into the seed spreader and push horizontally to achieve and even spread.

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      Cover the grass seed with 1/2 inch compost. Push a halfway-filled lawn roller across the lawn to establish food seed to soil contact. Water the planting area to moisten the soil.