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Grass Growing Problems

Caring for grass can be difficult. Common lawn problems may be related to cultural practices or other factors. Always research the type of grass you decide to grow before planting, in order to familiarize yourself with any species-specific concerns.
  1. Cultural Concerns

    • Cultural practices may lead to a variety of grass growing problems. Irrigation is a common lawn concern, as well as improper fertilization practices. Mowing and inadequate or excessive light may also cause grass to become discolored or patchy.

    Grass Selection

    • Many grass growing problems can be prevented by selecting the right grass for your lawn. Before you decide the kind of grass to plant, perform soil tests or take a sample in to your local university extension for analysis. Choose species that are appropriate for your climate region and sunlight conditions.


    • Monitor your lawn regularly for signs of problems. Symptoms may include slow growth, discoloration, patchy growth, spots on grass blades, and poorly developed root systems. Diseases to look out for include blight, powdery mildew, leaf spot, rust, and necrotic ring spot.