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Fawn Fescue Germination

Fawn fescue is a cool-season type of tall fescue turfgrass. It thrives in areas of the country where it receives a lot of water, in full sun or partial shade.
  1. Preparation

    • To establish a good stand of fawn fescue, you will need to prepare the bed by tilling it and adding starter fertilizer. Use a lawn roller to firm the bed so that the seed is in direct contact with the soil.


    • Agriculturists with Texas A&M University suggest that you broadcast 6 to 8 lb. of fawn fescue seed per 1,000 square feet. Then, use the lawn roller to roll over the area again, packing the seeds into the soil.


    • The key to success when germinating your fawn fescue is to keep the planting area moist at all times. The seeds should germinate fully within two to three weeks.