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What Is Fine Fescue?

Not all lawn grasses are created equal. Fine fescues are lawn grasses with a distinct look and minimal care requirements that make them a common choice for golf courses, ornamental lawns and residential lawns.
  1. Types

    • Fescue grasses fall into either the broad-leaved or the fine-leaved category. The fine-leaved fescue grasses are referred to as fine fescue. Frequently cultivated fine fescue varieties include hard, sheep, creeping red and Chewings. Fineleaf fescue is another term for fine fescue.


    • Thin blades characterize fine fescue grass. Some varieties have needle-type blades. Fine fescue develops 6- to 12-inch grass blades that droop over when left to grow naturally. Most varieties of this medium- to dark-green grass grow in bunches. Creeping red fescue is an exception; it has a spreading growth pattern and produces rhizomes.


    • Fine fescues are shade-tolerant grasses. Unless grown in poor soil, most varieties of fine fescue need little or no fertilizer. Fine fescue will withstand short periods of drought without significant dieback. Fine fescue is frequently grown as a low-maintenance landscape plant, as it is an attractive ground cover that does not need mowing. Although fine fescue grasses have many benefits, they do not hold up well to foot traffic.