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How Often Should You Water New Centipede Sod?

Centipede grass is low maintenance and can tolerate shady conditions. However, centipede sod does require irrigation after installation to maintain a dense, green appearance.
  1. Establishing Sod

    • As soon as you've planted the sod, water it with 1/2 inch of water. After the first irrigation, centipede sod will require irrigation once a day with 1/2 inch of water.

    Established Sod

    • When centipede sod is established, about two to three weeks after planting, reduce the water schedule to irrigating the centipede grass only when needed. Water deeply to wet the top 2 inches of soil.


    • Centipede sod will tolerate drought conditions, but when the sod starts to turn brown, water right away and centipede sod will green-up very quickly.


    • When you add fertilizer to centipedegrass, you must water the sod lightly. Use fertilizer in June and again in late August or early September.