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Nutrients Required in Growing Grass

Grasses need a supply of certain nutrients to flourish. If your grass is deficient in any of these nutrients, obtain the appropriate fertilizer and spread it on the lawn.
  1. Primary

    • Experts classify three nutrients as primary nutrients because they are so important to a lawn's growth. They are nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. These nutrients are critical to any grasses health and development. Nitrogen contributes to the speed of plant growth, potassium is vital for seed germination and potassium is a key part of flower and fruit development.


    • A secondary group of nutrients consists of calcium, magnesium and sulfur. These elements are essential for healthy lawn growth, but are required in lesser amounts than the three primary nutrients.


    • Grasses need a group of minerals called micronutrients. Boron, zinc, copper, magnesium, iron, chlorine and molybdenum comprise this group. A lack of any one of these nutrients can harm your lawn.


    • The best way to prevent your grass from developing problems due to lack of nutrients is to have your soil tested. This tells you what nutrient deficiencies your lawn might have. You can then obtain the appropriate fertilizer to remedy the situation.