Home Garden

How Can Landscaping Help a Home Be Energy Efficient?

Landscaping is not only an attractive addition to your home; it may also increase your home's efficiency, leading to decreased energy costs. According to Energy Savers, energy-efficient landscaping will generate a return on investment within eight years with proper care and planning.
  1. Wind and Sun Protection

    • Protect your home from excessive sun and heat by planting shade trees and plants around the house. Fences and heavy shrubs can provide protection from wind, which is beneficial during cold winter months. According to the Colorado State University Extension, properly placed windbreaks can save up to 25 percent in utility costs each year.

    Water Conservation

    • The plants in your landscape will need adequate water, so conserve water as much as possible with xeriscaping. There are seven principles of xeriscape: careful design, climate-specific plant selection, limited turf, improved soil, efficient irrigation, mulching and proper maintenance.


    • One of the most important elements of energy-efficient landscaping is tailoring your landscape to your particular climate zone. Before you make any changes to your landscape, research the best plants, watering methods and other landscaping practices for your region.