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What Is Empire Zoysia?

Zoysiagrasses have origins in eastern Asia and were introduced into the United States for use as lawns in mild winter climate regions. Meyer is one variety of zoysiagrass and is considered the standard to compare all others, including the Empire variety.
  1. Features

    • Empire zoysia develops a deep green leaf blade color. It spreads to form a dense mat via horizontal stems called stolons or runners. The leaves are rather broad compared to other zoysiagrasses and lay in a flat, open manner. When temperatures drop below 50 degrees, the plants become dormant, temporarily turning tan brown.


    • As a warm-season turf grass, zoysiagrasses are best grown in USDA hardiness zones 7 and warmer, where winters don't get colder than 0 degrees Fahrenheit. Variety Empire demonstrates more tolerance to winter cold and may be grown into USDA zone 6.


    • Empire zoysiagrass is well-suited to regions with long hot, summers. It wears well, upholding its texture and attractiveness to considerable foot traffic. Empire also grows well near coastal dunes where sandy soil dominates and salt spray drift occurs.