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Turf Facts

Turf, the layer of grass that is grown on lawns, golf courses, football fields and in commercial landscaping, comes in many varieties. Choice in turf types depends on how it will be used, the amount of water it needs, the kind of maintenance that will be necessary, and overall appearance.
  1. Types of Turf Grasses

    • Choice of grass types is important when creating a golf course.

      Types of turf grasses include rye, fescue, bluegrass, zoysiagrass, bentgrass and Bermuda. Very sunny locations take Bermuda grasses, fescues or buffalo grasses, while shady areas might need special shade-tolerant bluegrasses. Golf courses and athletic fields are best served with bluegrasses, zoysias or fescues.

    Turf Insects and Diseases

    • Control of turf insects and diseases will help create a beautiful lawn.

      The grasses used in turf must be protected from destructive insects and diseases if they are to thrive. Grubs and weevils attack the root systems of lawn turfs while various worms, cinch bugs and aphids pose a threat to grass blades. Disease in turf grasses generally comes from a fungus. Contact fungicides treat grass leaves, while systemic fungicides enter the vascular system of the grass.

    Artificial Turf

    • Athletic fields, children's play areas and commercial landscaping sometimes use artificial turf.

      Artificial turf is sometimes used in athletic fields, children's play areas and in commercial landscaping. The use of artificial turf eliminates the amount of maintenance needed for organic turf since it doesn't need to be watered, fertilized or mowed. The incidence of insect invasion or fungal diseases is nil.