Home Garden

The Best Way to Start a Grass Lawn

A well-manicured, green lawn can be the crowning jewel for a home. Whether for curb appeal, play space or simply a source of pride, a beautiful lawn can add enjoyment and potential value to a home. Before the end results can be enjoyed and appreciated, you need to get your grass off to a good start with proper soil preparation, seeding and maintenance.

Things You'll Need

  • Glyphosate herbicide
  • Garden sprayer
  • Tiller
  • Rake
  • Shovel
  • Lime
  • Rotary spreader
  • Grass seed
  • Starter fertilizer
  • Garden hose
  • Sprinkler
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      Identify unwanted grass and weeds in the area to be seeded. Mix glyphosate herbicide and water in a garden sprayer. Follow the herbicide manufacturers recommendations, however, as a rule of thumb add 3 oz. of glyphosate herbicide per 1 gallon of water. Spray the area evenly and monitor for die back over the next week to 10 days.

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      Prepare the soil for planting. Turn the soil with a tiller or use a shovel in smaller areas. Break up larger clumps of dirt with a shovel and rake out any remaining unwanted vegetation from the area.

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      Add lime, compost or other nutrients as necessary to balance the soil. Apply lime, for example, to heavy clay soils following the manufacturer's recommendations. Till the soil once again to thoroughly incorporate the nutrients.

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      Seed the area with a high-quality grass seed. Use a broadcast spreader to apply half of the grass seed at a time. Apply half of the grass seed in one direction and the other half in a different direction. For example, walk north to south to apply the first half of the seed and then east to west to apply the second half of the seed.

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      Cover the seed lightly with soil. Gently rake the area to pull soil over the newly spread grass seed. Avoid burying the seed too deeply, as this can result in uneven germination.

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      Apply fertilizer intended for new grass. Spread the starter fertilizer, following the manufacturer's recommendations, with a broadcast spreader.

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      Connect a sprinkler to a garden hose. Water the newly started grass lawn thoroughly -- up to twice a day until the seed germinates --for the first month or two. Afterwards, water the grass as needed, based on local rainfall.