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Will Grass Grow With or Without Fertilizer?

Grass requires sunlight, water, oxygen and soil for proper growth. Soil nutrients act as food for the plant. Over time, nutrients in the soil deplete. Fertilization, if done correctly, replenishes these nutrients during key growth intervals throughout the year. Grass will certainly grow with or without fertilizer, but fertilizer is recommended to achieve a healthy and lush lawn year-round.
  1. Essential Elements

    • No one type of fertilizer is appropriate for all types of grasses. Before applying fertilizer, perform a soil test of the yard. The results will indicate the proper rates of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Nitrogen is the most important nutrient. It promotes vigorous growth and green color.

    Fertilization Frequency

    • The frequency interval for fertilization varies by grass types. In general, grass that grows rapidly is considered high-maintenance and requires fertilizer three to five times per year. Slow growing, low-maintenance lawns require only one or two applications of fertilizer per year.

    Fertilization Timing

    • Fertilizer application depends on grass type and location. Fertilize warm-season grass in the spring, before the summer growth season. Fertilize cold-season grass in the fall to promote health of the grass during the winter. Always follow fertilization with rain or irrigation to flush the chemicals into the soil.