Home Garden

The Best Ways to Make a Small Lawn Look Great & Low-Maintenance

Just because you have a small yard does not mean that your landscape has to be plain or boring. If you lack the time to upkeep extravagant landscaping designs, options are available to make your small lawn look great and low-maintenance. Infuse your personality into your exterior design style just as you do in the interior of your home.
  1. Automatic Maintenance

    • Save time by investing in automatic maintenance garden supplies.

      Invest in automatic sprinkler systems with timers. Set them to go off early in the morning or evening, depending on what is best for your type of grass and the climate where you live. Other automatic garden supplies include blown glass bulbs that give potted plants the exact amount of water they need at a time.

    Garden Kits

    • Roll-out flower beds come in many colors and designs.

      Kits are available to make everything about small lawn care and gardening easier and faster. One of the best ways to make a small lawn both attractive and low-maintenance is to buy a roll-out flower bed. A long piece of sod that is already seeded with flowers, all you have to do is roll it out where you want the flower bed to be. Many roll-out beds are made from materials that help block weeds from sprouting up as well.

    Non-Living Natural Elements

    • Alternate living and non-living design elements in your landscaping design for visual interest.

      Bring in elements that do not require much upkeep or care to stay looking great. For example, a well-placed rock garden can add color and texture to your small lawn without requiring upkeep. It also offers the added bonus of reducing the amount of grass that you have to mow. Alternatively, surround open areas with wood chips and one or two potted plants instead of planting specimens directly into the ground.

    Yard Ornaments

    • Ornaments are not just for the holiday season.

      Choose your garden ornaments carefully when planning out the landscape of a small lawn. Placement is also important when you want to keep the design low-maintenance. For example, the more statues you have in the center of your yard, the more items you have to move when mowing. Instead, set a few large ornaments that really stand out next to your house or create just a few small groupings that showcase your style. Less is more when making a small lawn look great.