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What to Use on Your Yard for Green & Pretty Grass

Having a green lawn not only increases the curb appeal of a lawn, but it can also make homeowners feel proud of their accomplishment. In areas with water shortages, it can be difficult to get a green lawn, but with the right selection of grass seed and the right amount of fertilizer and water you can achieve it.
  1. Selecting the Right Grass Seed

    • Seed selection plays a big role on your yard for green and pretty grass. Pay special attention to your zone and the seed that thrives in that particular zone. Zoysia and Bahia grass can tolerate extreme heat and dryness while maintaining a good color. St. Augustine grass can also be planted in warmer climates, but it needs much more care than other varieties. In cooler climates, fescue and Kentucky blue grass thrive. Rye grass is another alternative that does well in cool climates.

    Fertilization Considerations

    • Overfertilizing a lawn can create burn out, where the grass immediately turns brown and dies. Under fertilization creates the same problem but over a longer period of time. Utilize standard lawn fertilizer that is sold in your area and follow the package instructions to ensure that you are not using too much for your lawn. In addition, leaving fine clippings of grass on your lawn instead of removing it can also put nitrogen back into the soil, an important component for having green and pretty grass.

    Mowing Schedules

    • Yards require a good deal of maintenance, especially if you want to keep green and pretty grass. In wet climates, you may need to mow twice per week. In drier climates, this can be scaled back to once a week. Do not overclip by using the lowest setting on your mower. Rather, use a middle setting and mow more often to ensure that your grass isn't cut too short for regrowth.

    Watering Your Yard

    • All grass needs to be watered, and the type of grass you have will typically determine how often it needs to be watered. This is definitely an issue in California and Arizona where local laws dictate how often a yard can be watered. Generally, daily watering is only necessary in areas that are very dry. Those in cooler and damper climates can water every few days or as needed. Sprinklers should be set up to water the lawn during the early morning and early evening hours for the best benefit.