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How to Trim a Fence Row

A fence row is an older term that means, according to American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, "the land occupied by a fence including the uncultivated area on each side." This land often becomes overgrown with weeds and other types of unwanted growth. When this happens, a simple way to get the fence row looking good again is to take a trimmer to it. Lawn trimmers -- also known as weed whackers or weed eaters -- use a thick wire or nylon string attached to a pivot and propelled by a motor to shear through weeds and growth.

Things You'll Need

  • Weed whacker
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      Determine how high you wish the weeds, grass or other growth in the fence row to be. You don't need to mark it or even get it perfect on the first go, so just eyeball the growth and figure out about how high you want it.

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      Turn on or connect your lawn trimmer to a power source. Some lawn trimmers are gas-powered and need to be started before they can be used, while others run off of electrical current and need to be plugged into a socket via an extension cord.

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      Position the lawn trimmer beside the fence row at approximately the height you figured out in step 1, then depress the trigger to start the trimmer part spinning.

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      Move the lawn trimmer into the growth in the fence row, making sure to keep the height stable. The trimmer will slice through the growth at the height you chose. From there, move the trimmer up and down the fence row -- again, making sure the height is uniform as you go -- until you have trimmed all the desired growth.

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      Repeat these steps -- if necessary -- for the other side of the fence.