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Can Starter Fertilizer Burn a Lawn?

Any type of fertilizer can burn your lawn if used improperly. Whenever applying fertilizer to your lawn, be sure to read and follow the directions properly to avoid leaf scorch, a condition that could take the grass a long time to recover from.
  1. Identification

    • Starter fertilizer refers to a practice rather than a specific type of fertilizer. Starter fertilizer is placed near grass seeds to help seedlings grow during periods of cool weather. It helps the grass mature faster and stronger.


    • If used improperly, starter fertilizer can cause lawn burn. However, fertilizers that feature fast-release nitrogen will likely burn your yard more frequently than slow-release forms.


    • To prevent lawn burn do not use more than 1.5 lbs. of nitrogen per 1,000 square feet in one application. Use fertilizer only when grass is dry and add water after spreading. Make sure you have spread out the fertilizer uniformly.