Home Garden

Foundation Landscaping Ideas

The design and type of plants that are placed around the base of your home can make a significant difference in the overall look of your house and yard. Foundation plants should be used to create a more welcoming look for your property and create a sense of unity between the house and the rest of your landscape. Allow the architectural style of the house to influence your foundation landscape and you will wind up with front yard that enhances your home's appearance.
  1. Use Container Plants around the Door

    • As the entryway to your home, your front door is usually the first spot that guests notice when they approach your property. Instead of placing plants and flowers at ground level in this area, consider using container plants for more impact. Use a planter in a style, material and color that complements the look of your home. Place plant containers on either side of your entryway to direct the eye to the doorway. When choosing plants for the containers, a mixture of flowers and plants in contrasting colors and textures is an attractive option that creates a more casual, inviting feel for the foundation area around your front door.

    Place Taller Plantings at the Corners

    • To soften the edges of your home, place taller plants or shrubs at the corners of the house. Corner foundation plantings are especially effective for smaller homes because they elongate the line of a house and make it seem larger. There are several taller plants that work well at the corners, so choose a variety based on the style of your home. Plants or shrubs with a column-like appearance, such as juniper or English oak, are an attractive complement to more classic or traditional homes. For a less formal, cottage-style house, opt for flowering trees that are medium in size like crab apple or dogwood. Ensure planting sites consider the mature width and height of the plant.

    Choose a Color Palette Based on Your Home

    • When selecting plants to place at the foundation of your home, the colors that you choose can make a significant difference. Take your cues from the color of your home and the look that you desire. For example, dark evergreen shrubs or bright flowers can make a white home pop. However, you may also choose to go for a striking monochromatic look and plant white flowers, such as roses and azaleas. Mixing several shades of flowers and plants that complement the colors of your home is an option as well. Avoid combining too many bright colors or your home may take on messy, cluttered look.

    Create a Landscape for Multiple Seasons

    • While you may be drawn to bright, seasonal flowers and be tempted to plant your entire foundation with them, it is important to consider what your landscape will look like across all four seasons. To ensure the most attractive look for your home, opt for varieties of plants whose blooms can be staggered throughout the year. Planting a combination of evergreens, perennials and deciduous plants provides blossoms at your home's foundation throughout every season, so there is no period when all of your home's foundation plants are all dormant at the same time.