Home Garden

What Are Xeriscape Lawns?

Water is at a premium in many areas of the United States, especially in some Southwestern states. Because of this, gardeners are learning ways to grow their plants that involve the use of less water.
  1. Xeriscaping

    • Xeriscaping is a method of landscaping that conserves water. It emphasizes the use of decks, patios and hardscape features rather than lawns, flower beds and other heavy water users. Used extensively in the desert Southwestern states, the concept is spreading to other parts of the country.


    • Lawns are the biggest water users in the home landscape. If you must plant grass in your yard, consider a smaller lawn that won't use as much water.

    Grass Types

    • When considering a xeriscape lawn, determine which grasses are best adapted for your region, then choose the one that uses the least amount of water.