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How Much Water Is Needed for Newly Laid Sod?

One reason people opt against using sod to establish a new lawn is because of the intense watering schedule it requires. And to be sure, you will need to pay close attention to how much water the new grass gets for many weeks after laying the sod. If you can keep up with the watering needs, sod will get your lawn ready for use much quicker than grass seed.
  1. Watering Time Frame

    • You new sod needs water as soon as it is laid, and you will need to continue watering it regularly for a month or more. To start, water the sod every two to three days. Keep up this schedule for one to three weeks before decreasing the frequency to one or two waterings per week, typically every four to seven days. Wait until the sod has firmly rooted to the soil underneath before scaling back irrigation. Keep in mind that during extremely hot spells the sod may need water daily to prevent it from drying, which can cause it to die or delay establishment.

    Water Amount

    • In general, you should apply 1 inch of water to your newly laid sod with each application. The goal when irrigating sod is to soak the entire piece of sod as well as the soil it lies upon. This will require a long application as opposed to short irrigations, which may not reach deep enough to saturate the soil.

    When to Water

    • Early morning is the best time to water your grass. If you cannot water your sod in the morning, try to water it at night after the sun sets. Avoid watering your lawn at midday because much of the water likely will evaporate. This means your grass may not receive all the moisture it needs, increasing the time it takes to establish itself of possibly causing it to die.

      Also keep in mind that many municipalities have sprinkling regulations that dictate when residents can water grass and plants. Some towns allow exceptions for newly laid sod, but check with your town first to make sure you comply with the rules.

    Watering Technique

    • Make sure the entire sod surface receives water with each irrigation. You can accomplish this either by using several hoses and sprinklers or moving the sprinkler periodically. You can measure the amount of water the sod gets by placing empty coffee cans or canned fruit and vegetable cans at the edge of the sod in an area the sprinkler will reach. Once the can has 1 inch of water in it, the sod has received enough and you can move to another area.