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Natural Ways to Get Rid of Mole Animals

Moles are those little creatures who create tunnels under your yard. They live underground and only surface occasionally. They create a complex network on interconnected chambers underground. You can see the visible ridges of their tunnels that are close to the surface.
  1. Grubs

    • Get rid of the grubs. Grubs, or Japanese beetle larvae, are the food supply for the moles. The larvae eventually turn into beetles.

      There is a product called Milky Spore that will kill the grubs but won't bother animals. Sprinkle it on to the ground and then spray the area with water. Another method entails using nematodes, which are microscopic worms that when fed to grubs transmits a bacterium that breaks down the grub tissue. You can apply nematodes using a sprayer. This is a natural way to kill grubs. Nematodes can be purchased at a garden center. This is a safe method because it doesn't harm humans or animals.

    Use This Concoction

    • Mix one cup of flea and tick shampoo with 20 gallons of water and spread this over your lawn. This amount will cover 2,500 square feet. Moles like well-drained soil so the premise is that they will leave when the soil is saturated with water and shampoo.


    • Get your hair cut, save the cut hair and put it down the mole runs in your yard. The hair makes the moles itch, possibly forcing them to leave.

    Skunk Lilies

    • Plant skunk lilies in your yard. The bulbs smell like a skunk, and the moles don't like the stench.

    Cayenne Mixture

    • Combine 1 oz. castor oil, 1 cup of Murphy's Oil Soap and ¹⁄14 cup of cayenne pepper and mix with water warm (2-to-1). Put this mixture in a hose sprayer and soak the area where the moles are. If you can find the burrow entrance, shoot the mixture inside of it. The castor oil will stick to the mole's skin; it won't kill them, but they won't like it and will leave.


    • Try a mole repellent, which is usually a spray that is applied to the grass. It makes the vegetation taste bitter to the moles. Go to your local garden center and ask for mole repellent.


    • Purchase a mole trap from a feed store. Put insects and soft bodied grubs into the trap. Do this before winter, because wintertime is when the moles mate and make more moles.

      Most traps will kill the moles. One trap is the "mole eliminator," which has a spring-loaded jaw that snaps shut, killing the mole. There are humane mole traps available at your garden center. The animal is not killed, but then you have to figure out what to do with it. According to All-State Animal Control, the only way to completely get rid of moles is to kill them.