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Lawn Roundworms

Roundworms, or nematodes, exist in large numbers in your lawn. One handful of dirt may contain thousands of roundworms. Certain nematodes benefit your lawn by eating bacteria, fungi and harmful nematodes. Some types of nematodes are parasitic to plants and beneficial insects and can cause significant damage to your plants and yard.
  1. Description of Roundworms

    • Roundworms are slender and tube-shaped, with a head on one end and an anus on the other. These animals range from microscopic in size to 8 meters in length. They have digestive, excretory, reproductive and nervous systems but do not have circulatory or respiratory systems.

    Lawn-Damaging Roundworms

    • Two specific types of lawn-damaging roundworms are ectoparasitic nematodes and endoparasitic nematodes. Ectoparasitic worms feed on plant foliage, which causes the plant to become weak and susceptible to infection. Endoparasitic worms feed on plant roots and can cause the plant to die.

    Beneficial Roundworms

    • Beneficial nematodes are microscopic roundworms that can be applied to the soil to control lawn pests. They enter the host and kill it within a few days. You can purchase beneficial nematodes from any farm store.