Home Garden

Mulch Vs. Compost Lawn

Grass clippings contain valuable nutrients and are too beneficial to waste, even if you live in a place where there is no ban on sending them to the landfill. As much as 50 percent of the nitrogen you apply to a lawn is contained in the grass clippings.
  1. Mulching

    • Allow grass clippings to dry prior to using them as mulch around plants or trees. Gradually build up a 1-inch layer of dried grass clippings in areas that you wish to mulch. Avoid creating a mulch layer of clippings thicker than 1 inch because you may prevent moisture from seeping into the soil. If the clippings are not properly dried prior to mulching, they may heat, mold or develop a foul odor. If you want to use the grass clippings for mulch before they dry, mix them with an equal amount of dry leaves, wood chips or compost.


    • Grass clippings provide nitrogen for a compost pile, which speeds up the microbial composting process. Never add fresh grass clippings to a compost pile in large amounts, as they tend to mat together, preventing air from penetrating the pile and possibly creating a foul odor. Mix dried leaves with grass clippings in a 2-to-1 ratio when adding them to a compost pile.


    • While grass clippings may be turned into mulch or compost, they are more beneficial if they remain on the lawn after cutting. When you recycle grass clippings in this way, they can provide up to 25 percent of the lawn's total fertilizer needs. Grass clippings, which decompose in just a matter of weeks, contain about 4 percent nitrogen, 2 percent potassium, 1 percent phosphorus and small amounts of other nutrients. Grass clippings also contribute to a healthy turf by serving as a food source for beneficial bacteria in the soil, the bacteria that help decompose thatch.

    Lawn Care

    • To keep grass clippings on the lawn, mow the grass often enough so that no more than one-third of the grass height needs to be removed in a cutting. Following this guideline, you may have to mow more than once a week during periods of rapid lawn growth, such as spring and early summer, but the lawn cuts more quickly and easily when mowed at the proper height. If grass gets too high before a mowing, remove the clippings during or after mowing to avoid damage to the lawn. Then, use the grass clippings for either mulching or composting.