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Dutch White Clover Lawn Alternatives

Dutch white clover is a perennial ground cover that can be used as an alternative to turf grass. Gardeners who have poorly draining soil may plant Dutch white clover seeds to achieve a lush looking lawn. It is important to properly prepare your soil before planting -- because Dutch white clover must be grown in a soil ph of 6.4, according to the University of Minnesota.
  1. Soil pH

    • Check your soil's pH in the early spring after the last frost. Any soil amendments that you make must be applied when the ground isn't frozen. Test your soil by digging ten 3 to 4 inch holes in the yard. Collect soil from each of the holes and mix up in a bucket. Pour 1 cup of dry soil free of any vegetation in a container to send to your local cooperative extension office. Cooperative extension offices send back results in two to three weeks.

    Amending Your Soil

    • Gardeners may remove all vegetation such as grass from their lawns if they want a predominately Dutch clover yard with herbicide before making soil amendments. For those that want Dutch white clover intermixed in your grass, spread your soil amendments over the grass. The type of soil amendments you use depends on your existing soil pH. Soil that is too acidic or under 6.4 should be amended with lime. Alkaline soil must be amended with sulfur.


    • Break up the top soil using a power rake to help you achieve good Dutch white clover to soil contact, as suggested by the University of Minnesota. If you want a lawn that grows both Dutch white clover and grass, mow your lawn down low so that it doesn't compete with your newly planted seedlings. The amount of Dutch white clover seeds you distribute depends on if you want an entire lawn of clovers or part clovers and part grass. Dutch white clover seeds are distributed at a rate between 2 to 8 oz. per 1,000 square feet, according to the University of Minnesota. Distributing at a higher rate means that Dutch white clovers will be your predominant ground cover.


    • Gardeners must keep the soil moist for Dutch white clover seeds to germinate. Failure to water the lawn will result in uneven areas or dried up seeds. When Dutch white clover seedlings emerge, you can reduce your watering schedule. Refrain from encouraging dense Dutch White clover growth by fertilizing the lawn with nitrogen. Clovers will not tolerate an excessive amount of nitrogen in the soil. In addition, check the soil's pH each year to ensure it remains in your Dutch white clover's preferred range.