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Fast Growing Cool-Weather Grass

Gardeners everywhere want green, healthy lawns. Lush, full grass adds beauty to a home, and provides an enjoyable area to play, socialize or just sit and enjoy the yard. Waiting for the grass to grow takes time, however, and many gardeners are impatient. Cool-season grasses such as ryegrass and bluegrass germinate quickly, and can provide a usable lawn in just a few weeks.
  1. What is Cool-Season Grass?

    • Cool-season grasses remain green through much of the year.

      Cool-season grasses are those that grow best in the northern parts of the country, thriving in temperatures between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit, and sprouting during the fall. Cool-season grass will grow the fastest during the fall and spring, generally becoming dormant during the hottest part of summer, and coldest part of winter. They tend to require a lot of water to look their best. Cared for properly, cool-season grasses will provide green, healthy lawns.

    Annual Ryegrass

    • Annual ryegrass is used to overseed warm-season lawns.

      Annual ryegrass is one of the fastest-growing lawn grasses, germinating within a few days of planting. Commonly used to overseed warm-season grasses during their dormancy in the winter, it allows gardeners to have a green lawn year-round. As it lives only a year, annual ryegrass is not suitable for a permanent lawn, but is often part of a grass seed mixture. It needs a lot of water, and will die as temperatures rise in the spring.

    Perennial Ryegrass

    • Perennial ryegrass requires a lot of maintenance to look its best.

      Perennial ryegrass also germinates within days, and provides quick green cover. Its high-wear tolerance makes it suitable for playing fields and high-use areas. However, it requires high maintenance and does not provide the lushest, densest lawn. A clumping grass, ryegrass does not spread rapidly, and can leave bare patches of soil. Ryegrass is commonly included as part of a seed mixture to provide quick growth and wear resistance, while the other grass varieties spread and give coverage.


    • Bluegrass is one of the most popular cool-season grasses.

      Bluegrass is a very popular cool-season grass, providing deep green color and lush, uniform growth. It spreads well, and has higher cold tolerance than many other grasses. The University of Minnesota website says its spreading growth pattern allows it to heal from use and damage quickly, and makes it more resistant to weeds. It can take a week or two to germinate, and does not do well in hot areas of the country such as the Deep South.