Home Garden

Maryland Law About Yard Clean Up From a Neighbor's Tree

When a tree falls on your property, you must follow the laws set forth by your state regarding the clean up. Maryland has several laws in place relating to diseased or damaged trees that offer some homeowner protection before the tree falls. After a tree falls, a licensed expert can determine the cost needed for clean up.
  1. Department of Transportation

    • The Roadside Tree Law dates back to 1914 and relates to trees planted alongside roads. Trees of this type are the responsibility of the Department of Transportation (DOT). When the trees in this area require regular maintenance, or if one falls on your property, you must contact DOT in your county. Keep in mind that after strong storms it may take DOT several days or weeks to respond to the problem.

    Neighbor Issues

    • Issues relating to a tree that sits on a neighbor's property are handled by individual counties. When a tree becomes a hazard by blocking your driveway, touching your roof, overhanging your yard, or if the tree has fallen in your yard, contact the Maryland County Department of Housing and Community Affairs. The department will contact your neighbor and give a set amount of time to fix the problem.


    • No permit or special action is required to remove debris from a neighbor's tree that falls in your yard. Once the branches or other debris land on your property, you are legally allowed to remove that debris, or hire a professional to remove the debris. If the debris damages any part of your personal property, including your vehicle or house, then you must contact your home insurance provider. If the tree fell because of a natural reason, such as a storm, then no one is responsible for the damage. If your neighbor cut down the tree or left a diseased tree sitting on his property, then you have the ability to sue for damages. You must prove in court that your neighbor is at fault for the fallen tree.

    Maryland Tree Expert Law

    • The Maryland Tree Expert Law relates to maintenance or work on trees on public or private property. The Maryland Department of Natural Resources issues the licenses to landscapers interested in professional tree removal. Once the individual has a license, he is legally allowed to cut down trees, remove overgrown vegetation, or do routine maintenance on different properties. When doing maintenance on trees in your yard, or cleaning up after a tree, look for a licensed professional.