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Mowing Height to Promote Healthy Grass

Properly mowing a lawn involves more than just mowing when the grass looks too high. It involves consistently mowing the grass to a certain height that will maintain the health of the grass. Mowing the grass at this height, as frequently as needed, protects it from unwanted problems.
  1. Different Grass Heights

    • Knowing exactly what type of grass you are mowing is one vital factor to knowing the proper height to mow it. Different types of grass experience better health benefits within different growing height ranges. Even different varieties within the same type of grass have different height ranges in which they should be maintained. For example, the proper height range for mowing Texas bluegrass is between 1 1/2 to 3 inches. For Kentucky bluegrass, that range is between 1 1/2 to 3 1/2 inches. The range for fine fescue is 2 1/2 to 3 inches, while the range for tall fescue is 2 to 4 inches.

    Seasonal Changes

    • Grass should also be mowed at different heights depending on the season, such as whether it is during the cooler spring and fall months or during the hotter, drier summer months. Mowing the grass at the higher end of its particular height range during a rainless summer mowing season allows the taller grass to shield the soil underneath it better. This, in turn, helps maintain the soil moisture and reduces stress on the grass. For example, the best height to mow perennial ryegrass is approximately 2 to 2 1/2 inches during the spring and fall, and increases to between 2 1/2 to 3 inches during the summer.

    Mowing Frequency

    • In addition to mowing the grass to a particular height, you should also mow the grass with specific frequencies. Ideally, you should mow the grass frequently enough so that you only remove about one-third of the grass blade's height each time. If you do miss a mowing and get behind, raise the mowing height the next time, and then gradually lower it for mowing the grass at its proper height range. When you mow off more than one-third of the grass height, the grass looks brown afterward, and the root system weakens, as nutrients normally used for the roots are used to make new leaves. Check the recommended frequency for mowing your particular type of grass.


    • Outside of allowing the grass to exhibit a healthy appearance, mowing the blades to the proper height gives other benefits. Properly maintained at the right height, the grass will be more free of troublesome weeds, which creates less additional maintenance work for you. At the right height, the grass is able to tolerate those months when water is less available, whether because of drought or water shortage.