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Two Direction Seeding Methods for a Pasture

Most landowners want their grass to look full and green throughout the year, but the owner of a pasture is often particularly concerned with healthy grass. Properly seeding techniques can ensure that your pasture remains lush and green.
  1. Preparing the Sand

    • For seeding to be effective, you must properly prepare the land. Your first step should be elimination of weeds, as they absorb the nutrients that the grass would otherwise use to grow. Spraying for weeds will eliminate them, but you should wait one to two weeks before seeding after spraying an herbicide. You should also remove anything in the pasture that may prevent seeding from being effective, such as rocks, unwanted plants and other debris. If possible, tilling before seeding will also help you get a green and lush pasture.

    Ensure Readiness

    • Different seed varieties require different amounts of seed per square foot. To ensure that you have enough seed before you begin seeding, measure the amount of space you need to cover and compare this to the information on the seeds you are purchasing for how much ground they will cover. This will tell you how much to buy. You also need to determine what tool you will use to seed. While you can seed by hand, a mechanical seeder will make the job of seeding a pasture much more efficient.

    During Seeding

    • The purpose of two-direction seeding is to cover all areas of the land. After filling the tool of your choice with half of the seed intended to be used, seed while walking or driving in one direction of the land (for example, walking horizontally across the pasture). Then, refill with the remainder of the seed and traverse the land perpendicular to your initial direction (for example, vertically), while seeding. Seeding in both directions will make sure that seed has been evenly spread over the land.

    After Seeding

    • After the job of seeding is complete, make sure you keep the seeds wet. Additionally, adding extra nutrients to the ground using compost can help your grass to grow.

      Remember, grass does not grow immediately. Give your new grass a month or more to begin to fill in on your pasture.