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Organic Goose Repellent

Geese, particularly Canada geese, are found throughout the United States. Geese can adapt to a variety of climates and may gather in parks, suburban developments or on golf courses. Geese are often considered pests because they tend to gather in large numbers and produce large quantities of waste. There are many ways to repel geese that do not involve toxins or harm the environment. Organic methods of repellent can be used alone or together to discourage geese from nesting and gathering in your area.
  1. Decoys

    • Decoys look like the natural predators of geese, such as foxes. A decoy can repel geese without the use of chemicals. You can use a decoy just like a lawn ornament. Place the decoy in the area you are trying to rid of geese. Thinking the decoy is a real predator, the geese will stay well away from it. Some decoys also make sounds when approached or have moveable parts, such as tails that move in the wind, to further discourage geese from approaching.


    • Because geese are frightened by sudden loud sounds, noisemakers can be an effective deterrent. You can make noise to scare geese away by simply banging pots and pans together or you can purchase geese-repelling noisemakers that you set off when the geese are around. These often take the form of noise-making pistols. Noisemakers such as sirens that operate on an automated timer can also scare away geese and do not require you to be present to set them off.


    • Some geese-repelling devices emit light to disturb the geese as they sleep at night. The geese then move on because they believe that they are in an unsafe location. Many of these light repellants are solar powered, storing energy throughout the day to use after the sun sets. Different light repellers can be used in fields, water or on concrete surfaces. Because they do not contain chemicals, they will not damage plants or poison pets.

    Liquid Repellants

    • Many traditional chemical repellents come in liquid form that you spray over the area where you want to discourage geese. These liquid repellents also come in organic non-toxic varieties that will not damage plants or poison pets. Using plant oils and egg solids, repellents such as Goose Stopper discourage geese by making grass taste and feel uncomfortable to them. These repellents need to be reapplied several times to continue repelling geese.