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User-friendly Spider Repellent

Spiders don't have to be extinguished by harsh chemicals or smelly sprays. There are natural ways to get rid of and eliminate the creepy crawlers without harming yourself, making your home unsafe or hurting kids or pets. Get rid of spiders naturally, and save the chemicals for outside use.
  1. Environment

    • Clean up your home to remove any places that spiders can hide. Spiders like dark and dank corners, so make sure basements and attics are clean. Spiders also hide in unexpected places such as boxes, under bedding or blankets and in closets. Raid these areas, and pick up any boxes or piles of bedding that can become a hideout for a spider. Use a broom to remove any spider webs you see hanging around in corners.

    Seal Your House

    • Spiders can easily sneak in through cracks in your home. Do a walk-around of your house, and look for any cracks and crevices through which spiders can get in. Seal up the cracks to make your home more spider-proof. Use caulk to create a seal between the outside and inside of your home. Seal every small hole and crack you can find to put a barrier between your home and spiders.


    • Make a house-friendly spider repellent for indoor use by using essential oils and other natural ingredients. Clean kitchen counters with lemon oil to repel spiders, and spray an essential oil mix into corners and any other places where you have seen spiders. Make a spray by combining 10 drops of an essential oil such as tea tree, peppermint or eucalyptus with water in a plastic spray bottle. Catnip oil is also useful at repelling insects in the home.


    • Up the ante a little bit for outdoor spider repellent. These methods may not be as home-friendly, but they are still not as harmful as chemicals, which makes them good for outdoor spider control. Borax is not as bad for the environment as chemical sprays, but it can help eliminate spiders. Sprinkle the powder around areas outside where spiders congregate to get rid of them. The smell of kerosene is repulsive to spiders, so wipe window and door frames with the stinky stuff to make spiders less eager to enter.