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How to Get Rid of Flies & Horseflies

Taking a the right precautions will rid an area of most flies. Horseflies, deerflies and houseflies are all irritating and leave germs in their path and some bite to the point of drawing blood. While there is no sure way to eliminate all flies100 percent of the time, taking the right precautions and steps will eliminate the majority of them.

Things You'll Need

  • Spray bottle
  • Garlic
  • Water pump
  • Clean fill
  • Garbage containers


    • 1

      Eliminate refuse from the area. Some fly species are attracted to decaying garbage as food, and others lay their eggs in exposed refuse. Bag up any trash and place it in a sealed container. Use garbage cans with lids or secured bags. Take the trash away from your property as soon as possible.

    • 2

      Drain puddles of water, as that's where horseflies breed. Pump out to drain large areas of water. Fill-in areas of the property where water pools with clean dirt.

    • 3

      Spray around the property with garlic water. Horseflies and flies in general are attracted to specific scents, and garlic blocks these smells. Mix several crushed cloves of garlic in a spray bottle of water and let stand for 24 hours. Spray the entire area with the mixture.

    • 4

      Clean areas frequently. Sweep and mop indoor and outdoor floors often to keep them free of food and other attracting debris. Clean drains frequently to keep them free from particles.

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      Close doors and windows. To eliminate flies from a house, barn or garage, keep windows closed or screened. Open doors only when necessary.