Home Garden

How to Know If a Mushroom Growing in Your Yard Is Safe

To identify an edible mushroom from a poisonous one, you must be familiar with the characteristics of one or both types of mushrooms. There are many different kinds, and only a few are lethal, but many are capable of causing illness when consumed. The two main factors in identifying an edible mushroom are knowing when and where they grow.


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      Note where in your yard the mushroom is growing. Whether it is in the grass, on a living tree or on deadwood are all important identification factors. Some edible mushrooms, like the boletes, prefer the ground beneath pine trees. Chanterelles prefer the soil in and around hardwood forests. Meadow mushrooms prefer open spaces and especially like to grow on horse manure.

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      Note the time of year. Each mushroom has its own growing season. The morel is ripe for consumption in spring and into early summer. The shaggy mane grows throughout the spring, summer and into the fall for harvest.

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      Use a field guide to mushrooms to help you identify the mushroom. Look at the characteristics of the cap, gills and stalk for such things as color, texture and any other identifying features.

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      Join a local chapter of a mycological club. These clubs include experts that will teach you about edible and poisonous mushrooms, helping you identify the safe varieties.