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Plants Like the Spider Plant

Spider plants make popular indoor and outdoor ornamental plants. The appearance of spider plants like bunched grass adds beauty to a flower bed border or at the edges of water bodies. Spider plants do not like direct sunlight and make good container plants for indoors. Spider plant substitutes look just as good as spider plants in flower beds or ponds.

  1. Asparagus Fern

    • The asparagus fern comes from the same genus as spider plants. These ferns have dense foliage and make attractive container plants indoors. Asparagus fern grows in full sunlight and grows well in containers placed under direct sunlight. The ferns also grow as border plants and border ponds under direct sunlight.

    Grassy Leaved Sweet Flag

    • Also called the Variegated Japanese Rush, this showy plant has grassy leaves and the bunched grass appearance of the spider plant. Grassy leaved sweet flag grows well in containers and as border plants because of its diminutive size. The plant thrives in full sunlight and grows well in borders of water bodies like ponds. The plants have brownish green flower heads and aromatic leaves.

    Tall Sedge

    • The tall sedge has the appearance of clumped grass and thrives in containers and outdoors in borders. Unlike most other clumped grass plants, the sharp edge of leaves can cut fingers. Tall sedge plants make good container plants and thrive when planted along the edges of ponds and other water bodies.

    Mule Ears

    • Mule Ears are short bunch grass plants and have yellow blossoms that look like sunflowers. Mule Ear flowers bloom in spring and remain until August. The plant makes attractive border plants around flower beds and ponds.

    Storks Bill

    • Storks Bill plants have bunched fern like leaves and bear pink flowers. All parts of the plant are edible and grow wild in grasslands. In ornamental gardens, storks bill makes an attractive annual border plant with the bunched grass appearance of the spider plant.

    Sticky Geranium

    • Sticky Geranium has a bunched grass appearance with sticky and hairy strong forked leaves and pinkish purple flowers. Like the spider plant, these plants do not require too much sunlight. They make good border plants but their sticky leaves attract insects when planted in containers indoors.