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How to Identify Insects by Characteristics

With over one million insects species already classified, and many more awaiting discovery, amateur entomologists can face a difficult challenge trying to identify the different variety of insects they encounter. With over 300,000 species of beetle alone, determining one species of insect from another requires an individual to identify what characteristics an insect exhibits in order to narrow down a potential search. By carefully noting any distinguishing marks, color patterns, habitat and season, you can begin to research the insect.


    • 1

      Examine the insect's body and take careful note of any distinguishing marks, color patterns, number of legs, presence of antennae, feelers or wings. Count the number of legs the insects has, and whether it crawls, jumps or flies. The more information you have about the insect's appearance and behavior, the easier your search will become.

    • 2

      Note the habitat in which you found the insect. Insects that inhabit your lawn or garden vary from the insects you will find in the woods, swamp, forest or wild prairie. Knowing where you found the insect could help you to eliminate the more common variety of insects from your search.

    • 3

      Note the time of day and the season in which you found the insect. Certain species become more active at midday, whereas others wait until dusk or nightfall. Knowing when in the day you found the insect can help to further narrow down your search.

    • 4

      Use a reference guide or online databases to try to determine the insect's species. Reference the information you gathered about the insect with the reference guide or website's index of insects' characteristics until you find a potential match. Compare the photo of the insect in the guide with your insect to determine if you have a match.