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Centipede Grass in Drought Conditions

Centipede grass (Eremochloa ophiuroides), often written centipedegrass, is an ornamental turf grass used in lawns throughout the southern United States. Sometimes known as "lazy man's grass," the species requires little maintenance. Commonly used in Georgia, the Carolinas and Texas, centipede grass covers lawns in areas prone to droughts. Growers of centipede grass should understand the turf species relationship with droughts in order to best maintain their lawns during dry periods and in general.

  1. Centipede Grass Drought Tolerance

    • Some sources assert that centipede grass exhibits moderate drought tolerance, though the general consensus amongst expert sources such as Texas A&M University and the U.S. Forest Service suggests that centipede grass exhibits little drought tolerance. The plant maintains shallow roots that express difficulty retaining moisture or extracting water from deep within soil, making it ill suited to survival during periods of drought. Despite its minimal drought tolerance, centipede grass requires less water than most turf grass species, making it easier to maintain during periods of drought than other intolerant species.

    Watering Centipede Grass During Periods of Drought

    • Centipede grass requires regular watering in order to survive periods of drought unscathed. Clemson University horticulturalists suggest watering centipede grass at a rate of 1/2 inch of water every three to five days during periods of drought. Centipede grass grown in sandy soils requires frequent watering, or water every three days in periods of no rain. Richard L. Duble of Texas A&M University suggests watering centipede grass when it begins showing signs of stress, such as yellowing or wilting. When signs of stress appear, water the grass enough to wet the top 4 to 6 inches of soil.

    Impacting Drought Tolerance

    • Two factors can lessen the drought tolerance of centipede grass and thereby lead to increased damage of the plant during periods of drought. The application of a nitrogen-heavy fertilizer weakens centipede grass in a number of ways. It lessens drought tolerance and makes the grass more susceptible to disease and pest infestation. Always mow centipede grass no shorter than 2 inches. Long centipede grass becomes thatched, which decreases drought and cold tolerance while increasing the risk of iron chlorosis.

    More Information

    • Centipede grass exhibits less drought tolerance than Bermuda grass, zoysia and St. Augustine's grass. Some varieties of centipede grass express greater drought tolerance than the species itself. Turf grass specialist Richard L. Duble reports that Oklahoma State University released their "Oklawn" variety as having superior drought and cold tolerance. Environmental Turf Inc. of Florida markets their "Hammock" cultivar of centipede grass as possessing improved drought tolerance, according to the University of Hawaii.