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Growth of Clover in Lawns

Clover is either considered a great water saving alternative to grass or an invasive weed. Many gardeners are turning to planting clover as a time- and water-saving way to establish a lawn. However, others dislike the way clover competes with lawn grass for air, water and the soil's nutrients.

  1. Soil pH

    • Clover grows best when the soil's pH is 6.4, according to the University of Kentucky. This groundcover cannot absorb the soil's nutrients when grown in soil that is too acidic or too alkaline. Most grass types grow in a soil pH range of 6.0 to 7.0. You can either encourage or discourage clover growth by altering your soil's pH range. Conduct a soil test on your lawn by digging a 6-inch hole. Collect soil at the bottom of the hole. Follow the directions on the soil pH test. Amend the soil with limestone to make it more acidic or with sulfur for more alkaline soil.

    Soil Drainage

    • Most clover types and almost all turfgrass need well-draining soil. A few types of clover can establish and thrive on poor-draining soils such as berseem, Persian and white. If your lawn has poor-draining soil, you can choose to either plant clover or improve the soil for turfgrass growth. To improve the soil, use a core aerator. Core aerators remove plugs of dirt that are 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch in diameter and 1 to 6 inches deep, according to Virginia Cooperative Extension. By aerating your soil, you allow for more air flow and water drainage.

    Planting Clover

    • Gardeners can plant clover in the spring or summer months. Seed your clover at a rate of 2 to 8 oz. of clover per 1,000 square feet, as suggested by the University of Minnesota. When seeding at a high rate of 8 oz., your clover will be the dominant ground cover. Keep the ground moist while the clover is germinating. Dry soil means the seeds will dry out. Avoid heavy fertilization because clover will not tolerate excessive nitrogen.

    Removing Clover

    • Gardeners can remove small pockets of clover growing within the turf by hand pulling. Furthermore, gardeners can fertilize their lawns with 1 lb. of nitrogen per 1,000 square feet to remove clover. Clover growth generally occurs when there is a low level of nitrogen in the soil. Raising the amount of nitrogen will get rid of your clover and benefit your turf. Fertilize your lawn each month of the growing season.