Home Garden

How to Fix Low Water Pressure Sprinklers

Ever turn on your sprinklers, only to see the water dribble out of the top instead of in a nice, strong spray? Let's go through the process of getting that water moving the way it should, so all your hard work gardening doesn't go to waste! You want green, not brown. So let's spray away!

Things You'll Need

  • Pliers
  • Small flathead screwdriver
  • Teflon tape
  • Spare PVC piping
  • PVC glue
  • PVC cutter or saw


  1. Sprinkle Your Way to a Beautiful Lawn.

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      Determine if one or all of the sprinklers is the problem. Turn them on one section at a time. If some are functioning the way they should, but others within the same section aren't , then the problem is probably at the end of the line at or near the sprinkler head. If all of the sprinklers are weak, then you have a problem in the main line that feeds them.

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      Start the easy way. If not all the sprinklers are weak, then use a small flathead screwdriver to adjust the screw on top. If the sprinkler is a rotating sprinkler, then find the adjustment to increase or decrease the flow. Try to adjust the flow so that it becomes stronger. If that doesn't work, turn off the water and unscrew the malfunctioning sprinkler head(s).

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      Turn the water back on for a moment. This will flush out any obstructions that may be in the pipe. Now turn it off.

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      Check out the dirt. Inspect the sprinkler head to see if there is any debris blocking the spray holes or the area where the sprinkler head screws onto the pipe.Tap it on a hard surface several times to knock loose any blockage. Wrap some Teflon tape around the pipe threads to prevent leaks, and replace the sprinkler heads.Turn on the water. If the srpinklers work, you're done!

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      If the problem persists, check further up the line. If you still have a problem, follow the pipes back to the source to see if you can find a leak. This could be a leak in a pipe connection or a break somewhere in the pipe. If the pipes are buried, refrain from running the sprinklers for a day so everything can dry. That way, you can then look for a moist spot in the soil where a pipe may be leaking.

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      Cut the pipe. If there is a leak, don't worry. PVC pipe is VERY easy to work with. Turn off the water and cut out the damaged section. Then replace it with similar sections of new pipe. You can use a PVC cutter tool or a simple saw. Let your repair work dry for a day before turning on the water again.

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      Get your lawn green again. Resume your regular watering cycle and do a spot check on your repair site to ensure that your masterful plumbing work is holding up!