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How to Grow Organic Basil in a Greenhouse

Basil is one of the world's most popular herbs and it is not difficult to understand why. It tastes delicious, smells divine and can be used in hundreds of dishes both in dried and fresh form. Basil grows easily from seed and can be grown both indoors on a window sill or in a greenhouse. It will also grow under growing lights.

Things You'll Need

  • Containers or pots
  • Gravel or small stones
  • Compost
  • Basil seeds
  • Water
  • Larger containers for transplanting
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    • 1

      Fill the bottom of some pots or containers with a thin layer of gravel or stones to help with drainage. Add a layer of compost to the pots or containers.

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      Make small indents with your finger around 1/2 inch deep in the compost. These should be reasonably well spaced apart, around 1 1/2 to 2 inches.

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      Drop in the organic basil seeds, one per hole. Cover the seeds over with compost and push down gently so the soil is reasonably packed down. Water using a very delicate flow so the seeds do not get washed away.

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      Leave the containers in the greenhouse, watering occasionally when the soil gets dry. Once the plants have grown a few inches in size they will need transplanting.

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      Thin the crop of basil out by transplanting the plants into bigger pots. The plants need to be around 6 to 10 inches apart in their new pot. Continue to leave the pots in the greenhouse.

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      Pinch off the leaves when they become big enough to eat, add to food or dry for future use.