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Automatic Watering System for Horses

Automatic watering systems are convenient for horse owners because they eliminate the need for hauling buckets of water into stalls or dragging the barn horse from one end of the property to a filled trough on the other end. Such systems provide horses with a constant source of fresh water, eliminating the risk of water stagnating in the buckets and reducing the chances of contamination.
  1. Types of Waterers

    • Automatic waterers can either be installed in a large horse trough or as individual water fountain-type devices inside stalls and paddocks. The troughs simply refill as horses drink, maintaining a steady water level despite consumption. Individual waterers work by refilling as the horse drinks from a small basin. The horse's nose pushes against the back of the basin as it drinks, signaling the waterer to run more water. Some models automatically drain after the horse stops drinking.


    • Features of automatic watering systems may vary. The most basic features include automatic refills. Individuals living in cold climates may opt for a waterer that also heats the water so that the trough cannot freeze. Some units are electric and some operate manually without electricity. Many are treated to prevent algae from building and offer self-cleaning functions to eliminate the need for scrubbing waterers.


    • Automatic waterers are not foolproof. They can break, especially if your horse has a tendency to paw its water buckets or tries to play with the waterer. Also, if your horse has a health problem and is not drinking properly, you may not be able to tell unless your waterer keeps track of how much water is consumed. Some horses will not drink from an electric waterer if they are sensitive to electricity.


    • Automatic waterers are more expensive and require more maintenance than traditional hoses and buckets. Waterers typically cost between $20 to $75 apiece as of 2011. They also require installing a more specialized water system, especially if your barn only has a single spigot for a hose. Costs of developing and maintaining water systems will depend on your needs and your barn.