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How to Harvest Crimson Clover

Crimson clover, also known as red clover, is a common crop in Canada and the United States. This clover, recognizable by its colorful blooms, is often dried and used in herbal remedies and teas, especially those intended to promote fertility. According to the University of Wisconsin Extension, crimson clover can be cut and harvested twice each season, so it can be grown profitably on a large scale as well as in small herb gardens.

Things You'll Need

  • Clover beds
  • Dehydrator
  • Freezer bags
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      Monitor the clover and wait until it is in full bloom before harvesting. The blossom is the part of the plant with the most uses, so the larger and fuller the blossoms, the more successful the crop. According to the Oregon Clover Commission, crimson clover is typically harvested in July.

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      Harvest the clover blossoms at night or in the early morning when it's cool and the blossoms are covered in dew. This reduces breakage of the blooms and maximizes the amount of sweet nectar in the clover blossoms.

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      Pick the blossoms by hand to ensure you remove only the blossoms and don't damage the green clover vegetation. Because the clover can rebound and produce additional blooms, it's important that you handle it with care and don't damage the root plant.

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      Rinse the clover blossoms thoroughly after harvesting and set them out to dry. Process the blossoms by drying them in a dehydrator, freezing them, or eating the red clover flowers while they are fresh.