Home Garden

How to Grow Herbs for Profit

If you enjoy gardening and already grow herbs or are interested in doing so, growing and selling them can be a rewarding and profitable experience. There is an increasing demand for fresh herbs and most people would rather buy directly from the grower. Doing market research and producing an attractive product will give you a competitive advantage.


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      Research your area to find markets for your herbs. Supermarkets, wholesale produce distributors, restaurants, farmer's markets and roadside stands are possibilities. Approach these businesses to find out what type of herbs they may be interested in purchasing and what quantities they want.

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      Plan what herbs you will grow and sell. Find out which herbs are the most popular. Selling varieties that are uncommon and harder to grow can increase your profits. Find out what ethnic groups are in your area and what herbs they use in their food preparation.

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      Contact your municipality or county to find out if you need special licenses or zoning to grow, sell or prepare herbs. There are special requirements for dried herbs.

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      Budget for supplies as well as promotional items, packaging, and other items. If you are selling to stores, find out what their requirements are and how much it will cost.

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      Plant your herbs. Plant twice as much as you think you will need. Find ways to grow, handle and store your herbs so that you produce healthy, attractive plants.

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      Package your product in an appealing way. When selling to the public, arrange your displays so that they look plentiful and attractive. Use a cooler or water to help keep them fresh. For sales to businesses, look at existing products for packaging ideas and see what their preference is. Packaging can be a clamshell, ziploc bag or just bundled.

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      Offer incentives and complimentary items. Consider packaging the herbs with free recipes. You could also create recipe books and herbal products like sachets, potpourris and beauty products.