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Instructions to Make Extract From a Salvia Plant

Salvia divinorum is a perennial herb found in Mexico. The leaves of the plant contain a potent chemical known as Salvinorin A that can be extracted for its psychedelic and medicinal applications.
  1. Materials

    • To make a salvia divinorum extract you will first need a good amount a large dried salvia divinorum leaves. About 100 grams should do the trick. You will also need a large mixing bowl, a box of cheese cloth, one gallon of distilled water, a large glass baking dish, a coffee grinder and several coffee filters, two 2-quart glass mason jars, a half-gallon of regular strength acetone, a thin mesh wire strainer and a small glass dish for evaporating.

    Extraction Process

    • Line the inside of the mixing bowl with cheese cloth and leave a good amount of slack hanging over the edges. Put the salvia leaves in the bowl and cover them generously with distilled water. If the leaves are whole, let them sit in the water for 10 minutes and no longer. If they are crushed, let them sit for seven minutes and no longer.

      Pull the edges of the cloth together, forming a bag around the submerged leaves, lift them out of the water and let the water strain out. Set your oven to 200 degrees, place the leaves in the baking dish, and dry them in the oven. Turn the leaves every couple of hours. Once the leaves are completely dry, remove them from the oven and allow them to cool down to room temperature.

      Remove the amount of dried leaves you will be using to make your extract. With 100 grams, you will remove 20 grams for a 5x extract, 10 grams for a 10x extract, 6.5 grams for a 15x extract and 5 grams for a 20x extract. Grind the remaining salvia in the coffee grinder. Place the powdered salvia from the grinder in the mason jar and fill the jar with acetone. Let the mixture sit for 24 hours, stirring it a few times.

      After a day is up, place a coffee filter in the wire strainer and poor the solution through it into the second jar. Wrap the leaf powder in the coffee filter and squeeze the remaining acetone out into the jar. Place the salvia powder back in the first jar, refill it with acetone and let it sit another 24 hours. Repeat the straining process into the second jar with the result of the second solution.

      Fill the glass baking dish with the acetone solution and allow it to evaporate until there is only about 8 ounces left. Take the crushed salvia you had previously set aside and put it on the glass evaporating dish. Poor the remaining 8 ounces of solution onto it. Allow this to evaporate until all that remains is some slight moisture on the leaves. Add about a teaspoon of acetone to the solution and stir it in the dish to suck up any settled resin. Allow this to completely dry and your extract is ready.