Home Garden

How to Build an Indoor Plant Growroom

There is no reason to deprive your a family of fresh, home grown, produce just because the end of the season has arrived for an outdoor garden. Move indoors and expand gardening to a 24/7/365 hobby. Very little space is required to build an indoor growing room for a sustainable harvest of most leaf crops.

Things You'll Need

  • Flat white paint
  • Flooring material
  • Full spectrum artificial lights
  • Fan(s)
  • Plant containers
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      Determine the space in the home that is going to be used as a grow room. Paint the walls and ceiling of the space with a semi-gloss white paint. The white will maximize the light reflection, increasing the yield of the crop.

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      Cultivation in a grow room can be done using a hydroponic, other soil-less growth medium, or pots of dirt. Indoor crop cultivation is messy. If the area chosen has wall-to-wall carpet, replace it with vinyl tile, following the tile manufacturer’s directions.

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      Controlling the light in an indoor garden is critical. Unless windows are substantial in size and number, such as found in greenhouse, there may not be enough light to sustain good growing conditions. Window glass will filter out important parts of the light spectrum needed for crop plant growth. Develop a lighting plan for a growing area that incorporates special grow lights. Plants need artificial light that provides a full spectrum of colors to insure their health. Light coverage must be even around the room. Lights must also be turned off to simulate the natural diurnal cycle. Upgrading of electrical circuits in a large grow room may be needed.

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      Placing small fans to circulate the air within in the growing room is required. To complete the environment there must be air movement. A gale force wind is not needed, but some circulation of air is required for healthy growth of stalks and stems.